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5 Best Money Making Books In 2024 For Reading

5 Best Money Making Books

Everyone has the desire to become rich, but the thing is that it needs the inspiration to grow and become a rich person. Books are the best friends of humans is an old saying. Some of the best money-making books are discussed here, considering your needs.

Financial books offer steps to be taken as an ambitious person to increase his wealth. You can get the answers to all your questions from the readers, like how to start a business and what steps should be taken to grow a business to become financially prosperous. Some top-rated financial books by Robert Kiyosaki, Morgan Housel, MJ Demarco, etc., can help you become economically successful.

The five best money-making books for reading are

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad

Author:- Robert T. Kiyosaki

In this book, the author explains the difference between the thinking of a rich and a poor person. It distinguishes people like the rich buy assets while the poor only increase expenses. In short, “buy assets, not the liabilities” to become a financially savvy person.

By assets, Kiyosaki means bonds, shares, or real estate that you can rent to people to make money. Liabilities represent buying a car, credit card loans, mortgages, etc. are the things that increase your expenses only. Rich dad mentality is to do a new job to learn something new and enhance your skills and experience.

The wealthy mindset encourages you to convert your active income into passive income. USA Today once said, ” Rich Dad Poor Dad is a starting point for anyone looking to gain control of their financial future.”

2. Secrets of Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth

Author:- T. Harv Eker

Books are the best guide to people. T. Harv Eker, a great businessman and motivational thinker, wrote a famous book, ‘Secrets of Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth,’ which can be a great source of inspiration to make you a rich person.

The lessons in the book that will help you become a millionaire are- to be honest with your work, give it your 100%, make your goal to be rich, and leave the old thinking behind. Opt for a modern mindset, and work on the thoughts that are settled in your subconscious mind from your childhood about money running your financial condition.

The key elements to changing those thoughts settled in the mind are awareness, understanding, and dissociation. Keep the lessons of this book in your mind and commence the journey of becoming a billionaire.

3. Think and Grow Rich

Author:- Napolean Hill

After a long research with different billionaires, Napoleon Hill wrote this book to help people start their journey to become rich. The book says that ‘Desire‘ is the key to success, and to fulfil your desire, you need an organized plan and the right decision.

One of the most important lessons of the book is, ‘not to give up even after facing defeats because persistence leads to success.’ There is nothing like the impossible, you are the master of your own, and the determination in yourself will achieve your goals and dreams.

4. The Millionaire Fastlane

Author:- MJ Demarco

The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime is one of the best money-making books. It enlightens the young ones to work hard once and get passive income for their whole life. Reading this book will give you the ideas to earn money at a young age and become rich.

According to him, being rich is not working for long but working hard when you are young, healthy, and vibrant, enjoying the rest of your life, having fun with the family, going on outings, etc. Wealth has three meanings, but none means money; it means a relationship, health, and freedom.

5. The Psychology of Money

Author:- Morgan Housel

The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness can be an excellent guide to making you a financially savvy person. The author presents different viewpoints on money based on past experiences.

The author also writes about the Luck and Risk factors that play a crucial role in your financial outcomes. Survival is essential rather than growth; one who sticks to their goals without giving up will make money. This book is a blessing for those who have a keen desire to be a rich person.


So these are the five best money-making books in 2024 to gain financial management knowledge. Moreover, beyond these books, there are a lot of books available for money management. But we are suggesting these books as we have personally read them. So if you have a desire to acquire skill in money management, then explore the books mentioned above.

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